Through the Lens of a Caregiver: How Health Systems Can Support with Technology
An Interview with Jason & Julie Friedman
November is National Family Caregivers Month. This is especially important to recognize because of the vital role caregivers play in every step of the healthcare journey. While their devotion, effort, and commitment often go unseen, successful health outcomes are not possible without them. Being a caregiver requires support from all angles, and the healthcare system plays a critical role.
Recently, our own Jason Friedman, VP of Sales, and his wife Julie shared their experience caring for their daughter, Lily, who was diagnosed with 1p36 deletion syndrome over 15 years ago. Now 16 years old, Lily’s needs are regularly evolving and for Jason and Julie, the only thing constant throughout this journey has been change.
Below are a few highlights from their interview with Healthcare Business Today, including recommendations for how hospital leaders can use technology to better support patients and their caregivers.
Connecting with community is essential.
Over the years, the Friedmans have learned to navigate the complex healthcare system with support from their community of other 1p36 families. Connecting with families who share this experience has been a powerful resource for Jason, Julie, and Lily’s three older siblings. These connections have provided mentorship, friendship, and support over the years—enabling them to navigate shared hurdles and empowering them to become advocates for Lily and others across their community.
Technology is a vital tool in the healthcare journey.
Technology has the potential to make each interaction with the healthcare system less stressful and intrusive for patients and their caregivers. Routine is important to Lily, and telehealth visits allow her to maintain her regular schedule and eliminate unnecessary disruptions. The Friedmans also benefit from time savings that allow them to better care for themselves and the rest of the family while ensuring the highest quality care for Lily. When they have to go in-person to a care facility, proactive and clear communication across the care team greatly improves the experience.
Communication can make or break patient and caregiver experience.
The Friedman’s explained that the early days of Lily’s care included frequent hospital visits and they relied on the hospital room whiteboard as their “communication hub.” Jason and Julie wrote all their questions and important notes on the board to maximize their time with clinicians in the room. An instance of communication breakdown that nearly led to a medication error still stands out in their memory as a stark reminder for why it’s critical that all members of the care team have access to accurate information at all times. Advances in healthcare technology and digital tools offer hospitals modern solutions to improving care delivery and ensuring safe, reliable care is available to all.
Accurate, real-time information is at the heart of successful outcomes.
Integrated technology solutions hold the power to make real-time health information more accessible to patients and caregivers and can reduce stress, anxiety, and uncertainty associated with a hospital stay or doctor’s visit. The Friedmans praised a hospital that considered their needs through every step of the journey and continued to seek care there even though it is out of state. Keeping caregivers top of mind is critical to ensuring positive experiences and outcomes for patients and families whose tireless commitment is at the heart of the care journey.
Pairing passion with purpose builds a meaningful career.
Jason’s experience caring for Lily has shifted his perspective and emphasized the important role technology plays in the healthcare journey. He finds purpose in his career at eVideon because empowering hospitals with modern technology ultimately empowers caregivers and patients like himself and his family.
Over his nearly four years with eVideon and 16 years navigating the healthcare system, Jason has become keenly aware of the ways in which smart room technology can positively change the way patients and their caregivers interact with the healthcare system, and improve overall health outcomes. He stated, “As a parent, you’re an advocate for your child. This technology is so applicable to my family’s personal experience, which is why I have a big passion for it,” he continued, “Having a solution that pulls in information from the EMR and makes critical health information immediately accessible for everyone – from the care team to the patient and the family – it’s invaluable.”
For a more detailed dive into the Friedmans’ story, read their full interview with Healthcare Business Today.
Contact us to learn more about eVideon and the Vibe Health smart room platform: hello@evideon.com.