Today we continue our Q&A series with one of eVideon's newest team members, Controller Lauren Morris. We're delighted to have her join us, as she brings a lot of business savvy and is even a part-owner of a business in Hawaii! Enjoy getting to know Lauren!
1. What’s your role at eVideon, and what do you do on a day-to-day basis?
I am the company's brand new Controller. With that, I handle the financial transactions and reporting on a daily, and monthly basis to help get the right information to those who need it.
2. What is meaningful to you about your job?
I enjoy data and processes, and I thrive on figuring out ways we can get better data in a more accessible way with increased efficiency. When I dream of doing something in a certain way, and then see how the dream bumps against the tangibility of implementation; that is the sweet spot. A process never works, unless it works for everyone, so there is always room to improve it and continuing to improve things is what provides meaning to me. From a financial perspective, you can never beat the joy of accurate, timely, satisfying reconciliation.
3. Where can you be found when you’re not in the office?
Currently, too much time in my home office doing financials and business plans for a company I am part-owner of out in Hawaii. This project has given me a new appreciation and understanding of what it is like to be a business owner, and how important it is to take the wins with the losses. The shorter term goal is to get out my oil paints in the not-too-distant future for stress relief.
4. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Professionally; having been a successful part of a team where everybody contributes and working in a space where I fully support the product is always the best feeling. Personally, it is probably the same.
5. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? How has that changed or stayed the same?
I wanted to run an orphanage in India or some place in Africa. I'm not sure how much that has changed, but I would like to become financially independent and build more of my skill sets before doing so.
6. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Sometimes Demi Moore, but more than likely Will Farrell.
7. Poetry fun! Write a haiku about healthcare and/or technology.
Oh my gosh - haiku
Healthcare plus technology
This is very hard